[ theSWEET girl-next-door ]
#Co1 : sweetSTRAWberries
strawberrys in silveryPINK. isn't it sweet ?
bigHOLES for a littleATTITUDE.
sweet girls do have attitude right ?=D
2 in stock. NO remakes.
price: $3 for one. $5 for a pair.
#Co2 : lovelyRASBerry.
rasberrys in RED and silveryPINK. cute~
name whether you want the PINK one or the PINK one.
1 in stock for each colour. remakes possible.
price: $2 for one.
#Co3 : ourHARTS
little hearts in RED and silveryPINK.
suitable for couples to attached it to there handphones.
red for the GUY. pink for the GIRLS.
one in stock for each colour. remakes possible.
prices: $3 for a pair.
#Co4 : yourlittleSWEETfriend
little dogBONE in silver colour.
3 in stock. No remakes.
price : $3 for one.
#Co5 : cos'youarethePRINCESS
isn't this sweet? you are the princess!
crown in SILVER and silverylightRED colour.
the initial your your name can be placed under the crown.
forEXAMPLE: your name is cindy, den you'll can have a 'C' under the crown.
this is also a great gift for your friends.
no stock as this is customised made when you order.
price : [ without name ]$4 for one. $7 for a pair.
[ with name ] $4.5o for one. $8 for a pair.
NOTICE: prices here don't include postage fees.