[#o1] WELcome to the onlineSHOP: memories of the PROMISES
[#o2] you're welcome to email me when you have any enquires about the products.
[#o3] pls DO NOT copy my items.
[#o4] EMAIL me if you want to purchase an item.
[#o5] Lastly NO vulgarities please.=DD
[#o1] payments will be made by POSB transfers or meetups.
[#o2] meetups only in HOUGANG areas.
[#o3] if by POSB transfers, products will be mailed to you.
[#o4] an extra of $2.5o if you want an registered mail.
[#o5] registered mail is encouraged as i will not be responsible for the damage or loss of the products in the mail.
[#o6] payment must be made before i mail the products to you.
pls include the items that you want to purchase, your name and your address in your email.
#SWEETinnocence LOLLIES! in PURPLE and PINK in colour! about 3 cm in height. avaliable in TWO types of earrings, type 1 and type 2. as shown in the picture. (click on the image for a better view) p.s : it's one-sided.
3 in stock. NO remakes.
2 yellow . 1 with light pink ribbon, another with hot pink ribbon.
1 purple with light pink ribbon.
price: $4 for one. $7 for a pair.
a CLASSIC pencil made of clay! cute ? about 3 cm in long.